Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year, New Beginnings.

I have several entries that I began writing but never finished. Perhaps it is the minor writer's block that I have had for over a year now, or maybe I just can't gather my thoughts together to form coherent ideas anymore, but I suppose those blog entries will remain unfinished. I find that rather fitting, however, as it is the new year and as those blog entries chronicled things and issues that were prevalent on my mind in 2008; now would be the time to cast them away (as cliched as that is. I suppose that is the theme today, but I will save that story for a much more light-hearted entry, should I feel inclined to write one). 

Certain things that occurred during the last few days of last year have forced me to revisit feelings that I have not felt that strongly for a very long time. This is not a good thing. It has thrown me back into a  state of mind that I've managed to stave off for the duration of the previous year; I might've made forays into it occasionally, but for the most part, I was not consumed by it as I had been when I was younger. Make guesses, if you'd like, but I choose to remain ambiguous, because, quite frankly (and ironically), I have a very difficult time communicating how I feel to others--even loved ones. Just typing that made me shift uncomfortably in my seat. A bit surprising considering I write a public blog (and am a future Communications major)...

Nevertheless, remnants of 2008 have undoubtedly trailed after me into 2009, and that does not make for a good start to the new year, as 2008 was a pretty bad year, in general.

However! In an attempt to move forward and to stop looking to the past, I'm excited to say that there is something that has been in the works that will hopefully be made official next week, 'round Thursday or Friday. I want to say more, but I shan't. Details are being finalized at the moment, so perhaps when we get closer to Friday, I will post some more about it.

I did not make resolutions for the new year because I really don't understand the point, but if I did, I would try to change my attitude toward meeting new people. So far, it's worked out in my favor because I met some pretty amazing individuals toward the end of last year. If I keep this up, maybe I will finally be proven wrong about people and discover that they are not complete shit.

Unfortunately, that is still my attitude most of the time, so I say, as my parting words for this entry, step right up and tear my beliefs down. 

Because I really am sick of being right every time. 

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